The problem with love is..
It is blind yet it can see.
It can't hear though it listens
It follows but seldom leads.
The problem with love is..
It gives without asking.
It shares till nothing is left in itself.
It confirms even if it is disagreeable.
The problem with love is..
It still cares though hurt.
Always persevere though weary.
Always hopes.. even in doubt.
The problem with love is..
It is stubborn yet obedient.
It is strong but also weak.
It is selfless but greedy all at once.
The problem with love is..
It knows no limits.
It stretches far beyond boundaries.
It breaks away.. it escapes.
But the worst problem of love is..
It loves the problem it brings.
It wears them like a favorite shirt.
It got stuck, got immune to it.
I wish I was never in love. :(